Epigraph Vol. 8 Issue 1, 2006 Web
Peter Wolf Addresses Delegates at AES Annual Meeting
Professor Wolf discussed his two most important priorities as President, which will be carried about by two new commissions…Commission for Education and the Commission for Epilepsy Care.
According to Professor Wolf, education was the clue for any development, and the experiences with the European Epilepsy Academy, especially a tutored distance learning program would now be globalized. Other methods in the organization of education had been developed by the Educational Committee of the AES, and we had met and agreed to bring our experiences together. The global educational program of the ILAE would require a “Faculty of 500”, and quite a few AES members had already expressed their readiness to make themselves available as teachers and tutors. Professor Wolf invited those who have an interest in joining the Faculty to contact him through AES Executive Director Suzanne Berry.
Professor Wolf discussed the mission of the Commission for Epilepsy Care, which is to vitalize and regionalize the Global Campaign against Epilepsy and to take practical steps towards developments which would ensure that no one needed to suffer from epilepsy and its consequences only because they had no access to the presently available diagnostics and therapeutics. The AES International Affairs Committee had kindly agreed to join and support an initiative for the development of epilepsy care in Central America and the Caribbean.
Professor Wolf concluded his speech by thanking the officials and committees of the AES whom he had spoken to for their great commitment and willingness to contribute to the success of these new initiatives. He was pleased to be with the largest and most scientifically-dynamic chapter in the League and complimented AES on another high quality meeting.
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