Neuropharmacology Dec 2015

Glycine transporter 1 is a target for the treatment of epilepsy

Shen HY, van Vliet EA, Bright KA, Hanthorn M, Lytle NK, Gorter J, Aronica E, Boison D

Contributed by Sloka Iyengar

Neuropharmacology Volume 99, Pages 554-565 December 2015 Available online August 2015

Glycine is an important modulator of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus, but its role in epilepsy is not very well understood. In a recent study, the authors used two models of TLE – the intrahippocampal kainic acid model in mice and tetanic stimulation in rats, and observed effects on the glycine transporter 1 (GlyT1). In both rats and mice, the authors found an increase in protein levels of GlyT1. An increase in mRNA for GlyT1 was found in tissue resected from subjects with TLE. In a third experiment, mice with genetic deletion of GlyT1 in hippocampus and those administered the GlyT1 inhibitor LY showed an increased seizure threshold suggestive of a protective effect of decreasing glycine activity. Hence, the GlyT1 could be a potential novel target for development of new AEDs.


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