Epigraph Volume 24 Issue 2, Spring 2022
In This Issue
- "Why are there so many people?" - Seizures in the Canadian Arctic
- Addressing status epilepticus management in low-resource regions: “Where do we fit in?”
- Crisis response in Ukraine: Securing medication and care for people with epilepsy through national and international efforts
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Dr. Page Pennell
- Epigenetics in epilepsy and the Michael Prize: Dr. Katja Kobow
- User-friendly teacher training for epilepsy also finds welcome audiences in parents, neurologists
- La capacitación docente sobre la epilepsia es fácil de usar y también encuentra audiencias bienvenidas entre padres y neurólogos
- La formation conviviale des enseignants sur l'épilepsie trouve également un public bienvenu chez les parents, les neurologues
- Epilepsy education for teachers: Creating epilepsy-smart schools in India
- Epilepsy education in India: Teacher training project aims to address stigma, increase inclusion
- Life as a medical student with epilepsy: A clinical and personal perspective
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